True cost of IVF in the UK

Gaia Team
A team of people deeply invested in fertility science and technology
In this guide

Our key findings

  1. On average, people in the UK pay £13,730 for their IVF
  2. 70% of people who undergo IVF treatment experience financial trauma
  3. 78% of people go into debt to fund their IVF treatment
  4. The most common emotional reactions to discussing the cost of IVF are stress (32%), discomfort (26%) and nervousness (24%)

How much does IVF cost in the UK?

According to our results, on average people in the UK pay around £13,730 for their IVF treatment. That’s 44% of the UK median annual household income (£31,400).

Average cost of IVF v fuel poverty threshold in the UK – courtesy of Gaia's true cost of IVF report

“Let’s think about this in comparison to rising energy prices. A household is considered to be in fuel poverty when it has to spend 10% or more of its disposable income on energy. But if you’re spending 44% of your annual income because you’re struggling to conceive, no public body comes to your financial aid. I believe that parenthood is a fundamental human right – though without the right cover, the most fortunate always win.”

Nader AlSalim, Founder and CEO of Gaia

What factors impact the cost?

It’s hard to understand the true cost of IVF due to how much it varies by clinic, and the types of IVF treatment. In London, a complete round of IVF treatment can be up to £8,950, whereas in Birmingham and Manchester, it’s can go up to £6,610. Read more about what to look out for in our guide: How much does IVF cost?.

Due to the additional cost of donor eggs and/or donor sperm, the average cost of IVF for same-sex couples is 17% higher than for heterosexual couples (£15,512 vs £13,276). Extra donor costs can include admin, transport and registration fees from the chosen donor bank.

The average cost of IVF in the UK is higher for same-sex couples than heterosexual couples – courtesy of Gaia's true cost of IVF report

On top of the costs of IVF, there’s also the uncertainty of success. Of those who experienced an unsuccessful outcome, such as a miscarriage, their average IVF cost was also higher (£17,290 vs £13,730 average) due to paying for additional rounds.

Average cost of IVF in the UK for those who experience an unsuccessful outcome on their journey – courtesy of Gaia's true cost of IVF report

At Gaia, we believe you shouldn’t pay for your IVF treatment if you don’t have a child.

“Regardless of your circumstance, I believe that anyone who wants to have a family, should be able to try. It’s why I founded Gaia. The process of building a family shouldn’t be tinged with stress and anxiety around money. And with a Gaia Plan, it doesn’t have to be. With us, aspiring parents pay a fraction of the total cost to start their treatment, and only repay an affordable monthly amount when they have a child. Nothing more if they don’t.”

Nader AlSalim, Founder and CEO of Gaia


What is the impact of IVF cost?

“IVF is where two social taboos collide, infertility and money. The financial trauma of fertility treatment only adds to the already huge emotional and physical ordeal that is IVF. Add to that our inability to talk about money as a society and you’re stepping into a minefield of stress.”

Alex Holder, Gaia spokesperson, journalist and author of Open Up: The Power of Talking about Money

Financial stress can lead to trauma

Seventy per cent of people who undergo IVF treatment experience financial trauma. This rises to 80% of those who experience chemical pregnancies or missed miscarriages, and 85% of those who experience late-term loss.

The staggering cost of IVF means that 70% of IVF patients in the UK experience financial trauma – courtesy of Gaia's true cost of IVF report

To help alleviate some of the emotional burden, our Gaia Members get a point of contact throughout their entire IVF journey, community events and 12 complimentary counselling sessions.

Discussing the cost of IVF causes high stress

The most common emotional reactions to discussing the cost of IVF are stress (32%), discomfort (26%) and nervousness (24%).

Most common emotional reactions from discussing the cost of IVF in the UK – courtesy of Gaia's true cost of IVF report

These are emotional weights that, as Gaia member Emily Shinn explains to The Sun, lift the moment that the financial burden becomes more manageable. “Gaia funded two cycles for us,” she says. “{IVF} instantly became affordable and meant we could just focus on the treatment and now the pregnancy rather than stressing about the money side of things.”

As Shinn explains it, insurance, whether for IVF or a treasured possession, is about peace of mind: “In the same way that you insure your house or your car, it’s security in case you need it and if you don’t need it then it hasn’t cost you the earth.”

Paying for IVF has meant going into debt

Seventy-eight per cent of respondents have gone into debt because of their fertility treatment. And almost one-third (32%) say that they’re worried about their ability to pay off that debt in the future.  

The staggering cost of IVF in the UK means 78% of people go into debt because of fertility treatment – courtesy of Gaia's true cost of IVF report

“No one should have to compromise their financial future to build their family. But time and time again, I speak to people who have remortgaged their home, gone into overdraft, or taken out credit card debt – all for an outcome that isn’t guaranteed. At Gaia, we insure the risk so no one takes on this uncertainty and financial commitment alone.”

Lucy Slack, Head of Experience at Gaia

Start IVF for less, with Gaia

For the majority of people, an average cost of £13,730 for IVF with no guarantee of success is unattainable. And with the challenge of the NHS postcode lottery, we knew there had to be another way for those who are ineligible or don’t want to wait.

We created the Gaia Plan to offer a way to affordably start and protect IVF treatment. Start your IVF with a simple protection fee and Gaia will fix and pay for your treatment costs. Only repay once you have had a child, and pay nothing more if you don't with support and a Member Community throughout.

Request a quote to find out if you’re eligible.

Our data report

Gaia’s research, conducted by Opinion Matters, surveyed 250 people between 27 July and 1 August 2022 who are either going through IVF privately, or who have already gone through IVF privately in the UK.

Written by
Gaia Team
The Gaia team is made up of people deeply invested in fertility science and technology. They work directly with medical experts to bring you accurate and actionable information to help people on their own IVF journeys. Many team members have gone through fertility treatment and understand just how personal, challenging, and rewarding the journey can be.

How can Gaia help?

A Gaia Plan is the most affordable way to start and protect your IVF.
Start your IVF with fixed costs that you only pay once you have a child.

How the Gaia plan works

Learn more about fertility

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So far I am very happy with Gaia
So far I am very happy with Gaia, I am about to have my first try of IVF with them, I have found them extremely helpful and all the staff I have delt with have been so kind and friendly. I would recommend using Gaia.


Published 2 Oct 2023
Gaia makes the world a happier place
Gaia are so friendly, welcoming and kind! We were so so excited to hear about Gaia when we attended a open evening at Bourn Hall Wickford. It is the most amazing gift that Gaia can give to a person/persons, they put fertility treatment...

Mrs Sarah Prince

Published 17 sep 2023
Gaia is my family too!!!
I haven't started my treatment yet but till this point I'm very happy with Gaia family. I don't have words to express my gratitude and I'm sure with their help I will have my baby soon. The communication have been excell...


Published 8 jul 2023
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